Thursday, December 8, 2011

My Domestic God

It has been 6 weeks since my hip surgery and on December 1st I was back in Cleveland for my checkup.  I still cannot believe it's been 6 weeks, a time frame I thought would drag on, I'd have nothing to do while I sat and television would make my eye's go square.  Well, it was probably the best 6 weeks not only for me, but for my husband as well.

I am fortunate it to have a husband who can take time away from work, one who shares in my joys and sorrows, but now.......... shares in the domestic duties.  After 3 days, my hubby soon found out just what it's like to be Barbara Morey!  I found these 6 weeks a good time to bust on him just a little bit, roll reversal is always good.  

Due to the fact I was sporting crutches and intermittent pneumatic compression devices for my legs, I was unable to get up and, somewhat, move around freely until November 5.  My physical therapy was 3 times a day, at home, so between my husband waiting on me and helping me in our gym for my PT, it left him little time for himself. His yoga was cancelled until further notice and trips to the grocery store, picking up the boys at school and business meeting with his employees (which took place in our home) had to be carefully scheduled.

On day 3, my husband looked at me and said, "Wow."  I looked at him and chuckled.  I know he's a good multi-tasker at work, so I figured he'd have an easy time at home.  He soon learned that while he was doing the breakfast dishes, he had to remember to Windex the counter area where the boys had their breakfast.  While Windex-ing the counter, he had to think about what he was going to fix for dinner.  When that was decided he then moved into the laundry room to sort clothes to start the wash and while throwing the clothes into the machine he had to remember to go to the cellar freezer to take out dinner for later that day. (I was smart enough to cook many different items and stick them in the freezer for this 6 week adventure ) Once he came up from the cellar he had to remember to give me my aspirin, vitamin D, calcium and iron pills and so on. I think you get the picture.

That's when the fun started.  My husband is big on me getting a workout in each and every day.  So, at the end of each day, usually during dinner, I'd say to him, "How did your workout go today."  He'd look at me like a deer in headlights and say, "Workout? I didn't have time today." My reply, "Oh........ well, you should really make time." 

Another day, I was in on my bed reading and he came in to lay down with me.  When he plopped his tired body on the bed and let out a very big sigh, he said, "Oh, this feels so good. Ya know I haven't stopped all day, this is the first I've had to sit down?" My reply, "Well, that's good, but, you have to leave in 15 minutes to go get the boys at school, so don't get too comfortable.  As a matter of fact, you have to get up 'cause you have to go to the bank before you get the boys and grab some meat at Jacob's and Tony for dinner tonight."

Although, the best day was 2 days after I got home.  My husband dropped the boys off at school for 8 a.m. He had a scheduled appointment at 9 a.m. (I assured him I'd be all set for a couple of hours while he was gone) At 9:30 I received a call from school that Pat may have broken his wrist while playing rugby in gym and needed to go have an x-ray.  I phoned my husband to let him know this.  He then had to go to school, grab Pat at 10 a.m. for a 10:30 appointment with our family doctor.  He then had to travel to Saratoga to see an orthopedic  surgeon to have his wrist set (he broke it right at the growth plate) get back home (a 30 minute drive) to pick up our other son from school at 3:00.  We had an early dinner and then he was off again to drive the boys to math tutoring for an hour or so.  When he finally got home he said, "Do you realize I got nothing done today, I was on the road all day long going back and forth.  I'm tired I'm going to bed."  My reply, "Welcome to my world!" 

My husband told me he has a new found respect for me and all I do around the house during the day.  I told him he only hit the tip of the iceberg and it'd be nice if he took on the task of paying all the bills too. I don't think he'll be asking anymore how my workout went.

As my 6 weeks turned to 4 weeks, and after 2 weeks, I became comfortable with my new crutches and was able to help out a little more.  My husband has always referred to me as a 'Domestic Goddess' and I can honestly refer to him as my 'Domestic God'.  It's very nice having him around the house 24/7 and I think he likes it too.  However, now that my 6 week recovery period has come to an end, I do see him neglecting his chores like a teenager who is going through puberty and the only world that is important to them is 'their' world.

Because I cannot lift anything over 35 pounds for quite sometime and I have to take the stairs one at a time for the next 30 days, I find my husband still has to schlep laundry up and downstairs on a regular basis, take the recycling to curbside with the boys, carry in all the wood for the fireplace and do other menial tasks I cannot do.  

I've also learned something about myself.  I've learned to let go and it's okay for others to do things for you.  I've learned that not every piece of clothing needs to be washed on 'wash day', it can go for another day, which gives me time to sit back and read my book or make that special craft I've been putting off until all my work is done. Like my mother has always said to me, "Don't worry about getting it done today, it will still be there tomorrow."  

It's music to my ears when I hear my husband say, "Boys, after you scoop out your ice cream, make sure you clean up the counter so it's not all sticky.  I just got done cleaning that kitchen and Windex-ing the counter."

Gee, when I use to say that, my husband thought I was harping. My my, how things have changed in our little abode.

1 comment:

rdh said...

I laughed all the way through this!!!!


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