Sunday, November 13, 2011

A River Runs Through It

Yesterday my boys went on a hike with a very dear friend of mine.  It was an absolutely beautiful day, you can see from the photo's below.

We are very blessed to live in this region, called the Adirondack Mountains.  The river below is the Hudson, it is 315 miles long and runs from these mountains straight down to New York City and New Jersey.  She's a beauty.

It is named after Henry Hudson, the Englishman who once sailed for the Dutch East India Company.  He explored this river in 1609.

For us, hiking gives us a sense of peace, especially when you reach the summit.  These mountains are majestic and the panoramic views take our breath away.   

We often think about the Algonquian and Mohawk Indians.  They used the Adirondacks for hunting and traveling, but had no settlements in the area.  Part of the French and Indian War (1754-1763) happened at the edge of the Adirondacks.  

It's a magnificent world we live in, despite war, death and famine.  There is so much beauty in our world to behold, whether it be in your back yard or in a land yet visited.  I encourage everyone to take in as much beauty as you can in your lifetime.  Remember, everyone dies, but very few people really live!


Susan Tidwell said...

great post and advice! I miss the fall leaves, but one look at the beach and all is well. I know you miss hiking, wishing you a speedy recovery so you can hit the trail soon. you do indeed live in a beautiful area!

Barbie said...

From January to April, I'd take the beach as well. Someday.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful scenery! Thanks for sharing. I especially liked your last 2 lines of insight. It reminded me of this from Thoreau.

I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately,to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach,and not,when I came to die,discover that I had not lived. ---Henry David Thoreau

Take care each day as you recover.

Brenda said...

Beautiful post! I love your pictures!
We live in a beautiful world surrounded by inspiration!
Thanks-I'm your newest follower!

Barbie said...

Thank you for your interest in me, my friends are always welcome to drop in and see what I have been doing, thinking or seeing. Sorry I can't offer you a nice hot cup of coffee, a glass of wine or a cup of tea, but feel free to bring your own, I won't be offended !!
Stay as long as you like, you won't wear out your welcome.

Barbie said...

The woods, for me, puts life in perspective. I believe for you, just as for me, it can cleanse your soul as well as your mind. Woods can teach us how to live a meaningful, simple and true life. When we understand ourselves, we can then understand others.


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