Sunday, April 15, 2012

Are You My Mother? - Then There Was Two

Heffer joins the nest

It wasn't long after, a few days to be exact, Heff's sibling was found on the ground after a very hard night of rain.  For some reason, momma Robin did not want these two little guys.  I wasn't sure if this little guy was going to make it.  Once he was placed in the nest with Heff, along with the warm heat light and feed good food, he came around.  Smaller and more fragile than Heff, he slept more and wasn't quite as active.

We decided to name him Heffer, knowing he wouldn't be as big as Heff, he needed a big name! 

Heff and Heffer snuggle in the warmth of their nest. 

In nature, survival of the fittest is the rule of thumb.  Below is momma Robins favorite.  This bird was why Heff and Heffer were kicked out.  You can see the difference in size between the three birds.  She obviously couldn't feed all three or just decided she only wanted to take care of one.  After baby number 3 was found on the ground, under the tree, she hopped off into the woods and I never saw her again.

Heff and Heffers BIG sister.  I named her, Miss Piggy!


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