Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I'm Boring!

Last night was another night of tossing and turning, fighting with the blankets, listening to my husband sleep rather soundly and wondering if I would need to start counting sheep or resort to Tylenol PM again!

As I lay awake, my mind started wandering like a feral cat trying to find prey in the wild.  My thoughts roamed from if only's to what if's, should I or shouldn't I.  They then took a left turn and went down the bill paying road, my visit to the cemetery and a late night phone call I received.  Trying to clear my mind and think more pleasant thoughts, I then took the path to praying.  After saying the Our Father numerous times, I got thinking about all the children learning their prayers for the first time, repeating them over and over and over again until they get them right.

Usually I get up and make a cup of warm milk accompanied by a banana, however, with no banana's in the house I decided to bag that idea and go straight to the Tylenol extra strength.  Upon my return to bed, I lay there thinking about my blog and went to the idea of writing a new poem about my sleepless night.  After a few verses, and wondering if I'd remember it in the morning, I was awakened by my husband sitting on the edge of the bed telling me to get up.  I looked at the clock to see what time it was and low and behold, it was 6:30 a.m. and found I had been sleeping for the past 3 hours.

My husband asked what put me back to sleep after tossing and turning for hours. My reply ... My poetry!


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